Create your Web3me

You will need an Ethereum compatible wallet. We currently support MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, Rainbow, and WalletConnect. For more information on setting up a wallet, please visit MetaMask Learn.


  1. Head to Web3me on your browser.

  2. Click on Connect Wallet, and select the wallet you'll be using.

  3. Press “Create” to begin. The next step is to choose what type of Web3me you want to create – Personal or Company (coming soon).


Customize how your Web3me would look.

About you

Manually add information about yourself such as name, bio and social links.


  • Choose which insights and NFTs from your automatically generated portfolio you want to display.

  • If you want to include more assets and insights in your portfolio, you can connect multiple wallets.


  • Manually add information about your work position and experience.
  • Select contract addresses to add from contracts you own or have deployed. Learn more here.
  • Add an on-chain reference. Feature breakdown here.


Manually write about your field of specialization and add off-chain credentials/certificates you would like to display on your Web3me. The files are stored on IPFS.


After you have added all the information in your web3me, you mint it to the Polygon blockchain. The mint process happens on the backend where we pay the gas fee for you, which makes the process entirely FREE. You don’t need any MATIC to create your Web3me.

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